You always held on to me in the bad times, long enough to hurt yourself. I know the pain I gave you, every time I made your heart ached you used to endure it for the sake of our relationship. Love is transient, it disappears with time. I still remember our first kiss we shared, and we promised the eternity, but I think it has a different sort of meaning in your dictionary. You didn't only walk off from that garden that day, but also from my life, it felt like I didn't even matter to you and I was perhaps a stranger again who used to stare you all day. I still remember the day you said yes, I was so happy that day, I couldn't have asked more from my life. You know the funny thing about the breakup; I'm not so spiritual, but I begged God to give me two years, let us be together for two years, let me live those two years and I won't ask for more. I think he heard me that day. I should have a...