A Smile may be a small word, but it is the most precious thing you can give to anyone. One day you will figure out that, this “Smile” word is just going to fit into your ideas. While everyone has a frown on their face, try to spread the smile to them. If you ever think, you have no reason to live your life, live your life for spreading a smile to others. Find that little happiness when you make others smile. Some people are too tired to give a smile; Give them one of yours, as none needs a smile so much as he who has no more to give. Be a Joker in someone's life. Now, you will think Joker; Really?  Yes, a Joker. Jokers are a very important part of this world. In this cruel world, they are the good people. In this world of pain, they are the heal. In this world of sorrow, they are the happiness. A joker is a person who is very rich. Tho they don't even have food to eat they are rich.  They are rich because they spread happiness and smile, happiness and smile which even money can’t buy. I'm a joker; Are you?


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