Art by Rajnish Kiri
Remember that time you promised me something? And it was all on your terms; that you’d never leave, that you’d always stay. I never asked you to say those words but you did anyway, solemn and heartfelt as you were. I didn’t want to believe them at first - I shook my head vigorously in disbelief.
But eventually, you showed me through your kind actions how you weren't all just words. I believed your love was real but simultaneously, I refused to allow my mind swallow your promises up entirely.
Then the months flew fast and we let time wear and tear us apart. Fear devoured me and I could see worry crinkle in your eyes. We weren’t going anywhere, were we darling.
And as the months flew by, you stopped whispering those three words tenderly into my ear. Your kisses went cold and every time I held your hand, they didn’t melt into mine as they did before. It was as though you did all those loving gestures for my sake just so I wouldn’t feel sad.
I could feel your mind change like the browning of autumn leaves just before they fall from the branches. Oh, why would you go and make such a promise?
-Excerpt from the Book I will never Write 


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